FINAL UPDATE: The 25 Treasure Island Route cleared and resuming regular service. Expect residual delays. (More: 17 in last 48 hours)

COVID-19: Requirements for Drivers and Passengers in Non-Ambulance Transport Vehicle 5.18.20

Monday, May 18, 2020

The San Francisco Department of Public Health has released requirements for certain types of essential businesses to help maintain our progress against COVID-19 and set the stage for reopening. The directives include a new Health and Safety Plan that requires employers to provide hand sanitizers for employees, policy to ensure sick workers stay home, and safety education for personnel and employees. 

These add to existing requirements which most essential businesses are already doing, like physical distancing, proper cleaning, and making sure personnel and customers have face coverings. Please review and adopt these requirements to help reduce the risk of infection. See attached.

Thank you for doing your part to stop the spread of COVID-19.