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Irving Street Streetscape Changes Presentation & Open House

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Jan 30

Survey Available: Inner Sunset Streetscape Improvement Project

Provide your input on upcoming Irving streetscape improvements. Make sure to review the project boards and flyer before filling out the survey. We'll keep the survey online until September 30, 2014. 


The SFMTA hosted an Open House on January 30, 2014 to review proposals for streetscape changes on Irving Street between Arguello Boulevard and 9th Avenue that could be included when Irving Street is repaved in spring 2015.  The proposals are intended to improve transit performance and pedestrian safety.  Below are materials presented at the Open House and the full results of a survey that was distributed at the Open House.

Revised Proposals

We have revised several of the proposals based on the public input we've received. Here are the proposals that have been revised:

Open House Materials: January 30, 2014

Project Overview Presentation

Background Materials:

Original Proposal Designs:

Answers to Questions Asked at Meeting:

Survey Results March 6, 2014

We distributed a survey about the Irving Street proposals, which closed on February 20.  The feedback we collect from the surveys helped shape revised proposals that will be reviewed by the SFMTA Board on March 28.  Please take a look at the full survey results.

In addition, feel free to review the results of a City Controller's Office survey about the transportation habits and opinions about streetscape and transportation proposals among people within the Irving Street corridor.  The results include details about the San Bruno corridor as well, as the two corridors were studied simultaneously.

For more information or to provide feedback, contact Sean Kennedy, TEP Program Manager or Dustin White, Irving Street Project Manager at 701-4599 or

Project Details

In coordination with the upcoming repaving of Irving Street and Muni’s Sunset Tunnel Rehabilitation project, the SFMTA is proposing changes on Irving Street between Arguello Boulevard and 9th Avenue to improve transit performance and pedestrian safety.

How did this project come about?

Numerous City efforts have identified Irving Street as a priority location for improvements. Feedback from N Judah riders and analysis by city staff identifies Muni’s N Judah line as one of its highest-ridership “Rapid Corridors” and recommends changes to reduce transit delays and improve transit reliability.  The intersection of 7th Avenue and Irving Street is also identified as a high pedestrian collision location by the City’s Walk First effort.  The Streets Bond, approved by voters in fall 2011, identified Irving Street as a priority for repaving. The planned repaving of Irving Street in spring 2015 provides an opportunity for the City to coordinate numerous improvements.

Why are changes proposed?

Proposals are intended to meet many goals:

  • Reduce travel times and improve reliability for the N Judah’s 40,000+ daily customers.  These proposals could save about 1.5 minutes in each direction or 25 percent for the N Judah in the project area alone.
  • Improve pedestrian safety by shortening street crossing distances, improving visibility between pedestrians and vehicles, and reducing the speed of turning vehicles.
  • Create additional sidewalk space for transit shelters, landscaping, seating, bicycle racks and other amenities.

What changes are proposed?

  • Relocating transit stops at 9th/Irving from before the traffic signal to after the traffic signal.
  • Replacing the transit stops at 4th/Irving and 7th/Irving with a new stop in each direction between 5th/6th.
  • Widening sidewalks to provide faster boarding of trains and improved pedestrian safety at the relocated transit stops at 9th/Irving and on Irving between 5th/6th.
  • Replacing the stop signs with a traffic signal to reduce train delays at 4th/Irving.
  • Reconfiguring the intersection of Arguello/Irving to improve safety and provide a clear path for trains.
  • Upgrading the existing traffic signals to reduce train delays on Irving at 6th, 7th and 9th. 
  • Adding pedestrian bulbs on Irving Street at 3rd, 4th, 7th, and 9th Avenues.

Have you done any public outreach on this before?

The SFMTA hosted public workshops during the TEP planning phase in 2007-2008, when the N Judah was identified as a priority for travel time and reliability improvements. In spring 2012, the SFMTA hosted public workshops focused on the conceptual designs for N Judah travel time and reliability improvements.

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