Tips to Manage Other Mobility Options

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San Francisco is home to a number of transportation services and providers that operate alongside and sometimes in complement to our transit and paratransit systems. If you’re interested in exploring other modes of transportation, we’re here to provide guidance to help you make an informed choice.

Questions to ask yourself when choosing a private mobility option

  • Do I have to register or sign up to use it?
  • Do I need to have a smartphone?
  • Is it available to the general public, or must I meet eligibility criteria?
  • How much will it cost me? Are there discounts for older adults or people with disabilities?
  • Is a credit card required, or is cash accepted?
  • Can I make same-day requests or will I need to make an advance reservation?
  • Are wheelchair-accessible vehicles (WAVs) available?
  • Does it accommodate mobility, hearing or vision impairments?
  • Can my friend, loved one, or caregiver ride with me?
  • Will the driver assist me into and out of the vehicle?
  • Can I bring my service animal?
  • Will it take me directly to my destination, or will there be stops/transfers along the way?
  • How far will I need to walk to get to/from the vehicle?




Helpful tips to find the information you need

  • Call or email the company’s customer service.
  • Use an online search engine to look for the company’s website by name or by type of service.
  • Look for an accessibility section within the company’s website.
  • Try typing in keywords (ie: accessible, wheelchair, disability, blind or low-vision, service animal, etc.) into the search box on the company’s website.
  • Visit the company’s social media page.
  • Call 311.
  • Use a business search or business review website.
  • Ask friends or loved ones if they have experience using the service.
  • Contact the Mobility Management Center for information or advice.