Rashid Herd

Portrait of Senior Management Team Member Rashid Herd
Acting Manager Workforce Development

Rashid D. Herd joined the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) in March 2012. Most recently, Rashid serves as the Acting Workforce Development Manager responsible for implementation of the Respect In The Workplace and Emotional Intelligence training programs, as well as oversight of programs such as Going the Extra Mile (GEM) and New Employment Orientation (NEO) programs. He is currently a project manager for the Practical Communication Tools (PaCT) for Public-Facing team members customer service and de-escalation project.

With more than 20 years in government and non-government organizations serving communities and underserved-communities, Herd has served in various roles including Manager of Administration – HR Business Partner & Facility Moves Manager for the CFO in the Finance & Information Technology division. In this capacity, he was responsible for overseeing facility moves in 50 buildings and 3M square feet of commercial, office, and industrial space, staff engagement of more than 350 employees at multiple sites, and the hires of more than 500 employees in five years. Prior to his tenure with SFMTA, Herd served as the Assistant Manager for the Department of Human Resources Employer Information Services team where he managed the call center and the Employment Center lobby. He also served for five years as the Director of Operations and Human Resources for a community nonprofit in East Palo Alto.

He holds an M.B.A. from Golden Gate University and a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from Morehouse College. He also holds several certifications including Organization Development Certified Professional (ODCP), Certificate of Cultural Competency & Org. Development and is a Certified Emotional Intelligence Trainer. His experience in Human Resources is grounded in culturally competent leadership methods to mitigate bias and promote diversity and inclusion to ensure team members are engaged, respected, and championed.