Kate Toran

Kate Toran
Taxis, Access & Mobility Services Director

Kate Toran has been the Director of Taxis, Access & Mobility Services Division since 2014, after serving 15 years at the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency as the Paratransit Manager. Kate has worked with the taxi industry on such initiatives as the implementation of the paratransit debit card project, wheelchair accessible ramp taxi incentives and enforcement of paratransit taxi requirements.

During her tenure as Paratransit Manager, she expanded the paratransit network of services to include a grocery shopping shuttle for seniors and people with disabilities (Shop-a-Round) as well as a shuttle service for groups of senior and disabled individuals going to social and cultural events (Van Gogh).

As the Taxi Director, Kate has expanded the ramp taxi incentive program and increased accessible, on-demand taxi trips provided to seniors and persons with disabilities, and she has led efforts to reform taxi regulations to allow the industry to better innovate while maintaining a core focus on public safety and consumer protection.

Kate has a depth of experience in the paratransit, taxi and emerging mobility arenas, a keen understanding of the public process and an ability to work with diverse stakeholders. She has a Master’s of City Planning degree from the University of California, Berkeley, and a Bachelor of Arts degree from University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Kate is committed to being a strong leader, an innovative thinker and goal-oriented in the application of new policies, regulations and programs.